6. July 2020
Our new Website is online!
We proudly announce that our brand-new website is finally online! Numerous new features will help us to continue the unique service you are used to have for your Olimac headers.
Let us see what is new:
- Detailed Olimac Drago cornheader and sunflowerheader product information.
- Brochures, manuals, spare parts catalogs and a lot more is available in “DOWNLOADS”.
- Got Questions? Get in touch with us via the new Website Contact form or simply write us a WhatsApp for any matters regarding product information, spare parts or service appointments.
- Enjoy best videos and pictures of Olimac corn- and sunflower harvest in our media library.
- You want to know more about the Olimac-Dragotec Group? Click on “ABOUT US” to learn about our company, our values and our passion to make farmers worldwide more productive!
- Stay up to date and never miss an Olimac Drago event by subscribing our Newsletter.
We hope you enjoy our new website and -like always- we wish you a great harvest!